Alcoholism Workup: Laboratory Studies, Other Tests

Let’s take a look at some of the symptoms of alcohol use disorder to give you a sense of what it consists of. For someone who has alcohol use disorder, though, stopping drinking isn’t easy. Even if they do stop for a while after recognizing that it is a destructive habit, relapsing and falling back into it is sadly always possible. The severity of the alcohol problem, comorbid medical and psychosocial problems, and the patient’s motivation to change are key elements influencing the family physician’s choice of intervention. This online screening is not intended to be a diagnostic tool.

Your health care provider or counselor can suggest a support group. You’re likely to start by seeing your primary health care provider. If your provider suspects that you have a problem with alcohol, you may be referred to a mental health provider. Believe it or not, if you provided the same answers you gave on this quiz during a professional alcohol assessment, the evaluator would likely determine that you may have a mild alcohol use disorder. That is a long way from being diagnosed as an alcoholic, but there are some indications of problematic drinking. Was it because you think that you may have a problem with alcohol?

Residential treatment programs

However, just because you made it through the night without a disaster doesn’t mean there aren’t longer-term risks that you face as well. See related patient information handout about problem drinking, written by the authors of this article. Keep in mind that the results may not be as accurate because they’re based on your perception of them and not their direct personal experience. There may be major barriers to your recovery including the denial that there’s a problem, social stigma, having limited help, and lack of education.

alcoholism test

The development of the questionnaire involved the following six steps. You can message your clinic, view lab results, schedule an appointment, and pay your bill. Those with cirrhosis often develop kidney problems, intestinal bleeding, fluid in the belly, confusion, liver cancer, and severe infections. More than three quarters of all foster children in the United States are children of alcohol- or drug-dependent parents. From 60–70% of reported domestic violence incidents involve alcohol.

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A person who drinks excessive amounts of alcohol will often not be the first person to realize that this is so. A person with this condition does not know when or how to stop drinking. They spend a lot of time thinking about alcohol, and they cannot control how much they consume, even if it is causing serious problems at home, work, and financially. Alcoholism, now known as alcohol use disorder, is a condition in which a person has a desire or physical need to consume alcohol. A substantial number of sexual offenders are chronic abusers of either alcohol or some other drug, or use one or another drug prior to or during their offensive behavior. Using the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (Selzer, 1971), Langevin and Lang (1990) found that 55.8% of sexual offenders scored within the alcoholic range.

In the past, a person with this condition was referred to as an “alcoholic.” However, this is increasingly seen as an unhelpful and negative label. Health professionals now say that a person has an alcohol use disorder (AUD). The SMAST can be self-administered and can be used as an alternative to the CAGE questionnaire to detect alcohol abuse and dependence (Selzer et al., 1975). There are several online alcoholism quizzes that can help you begin to explore your relationship with alcohol. Often, these quizzes will ask 10 to 20 questions and cover the way alcohol use impacts your relationships, your self-esteem, how much you drink, and when you tend to drink.

What are the warning signs of alcohol addiction?

Here’s some information to help you get ready for your appointment, and what to expect from your health care provider or mental health provider. Residential treatment programs typically include licensed alcohol and drug counselors, social workers, nurses, doctors, and others with expertise and experience in treating alcohol use disorder. Young drinkers with AUD sometimes have a co-occurring diagnosis, such as antisocial personality disorder. They show impulsiveness, deceitfulness, and lack of responsibility when it comes to drinking and beyond.

  • This quiz is a self-assessment based on the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) — the world’s most widely used alcohol screening instrument.
  • Let’s take a look at these different subtypes to help you understand how varied people who suffer from alcohol use disorder can be.
  • The CAGE questionnaire (Mayfield et al., 1974) includes items such as guilt related to heavy drinking and taking alcohol first thing in the morning.

Although environmental and interpersonal factors are important, a genetic predisposition underlies alcoholism, particularly in the more severe forms of the disease. AUDIT questionnaires (Appendix 1) were completed by 666 patients from the A&E departments (53% were male and 76% were aged ≥25 years). All of these questionnaires included a definition of one drink as ‘1/2 pint of beer or 1 glass of wine or 1 single measure of spirits’. The AUDIT data were subjected to a principal components analysis, in order to identify the three highest loading items on the first component.


Taking online tests is often a safe way to begin thinking about your alcohol consumption. If you think that you might have an alcohol problem, you can take an online alcoholism test. While this kind of test isn’t an official diagnosis, it can help you determine whether you should be concerned about how much you drink. But there’s no specific number of drinks per day or week that means you have the condition.

alcoholism test

Binge drinking is drinking so much at once that your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level is 0.08% or more. For a man, this usually happens after having 5 or more drinks within a few hours. For a woman, it is after about 4 or more drinks within a few hours. Not everyone who binge drinks has an AUD, but they are at higher risk for getting one.


The 10-item Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (SMAST) had a sensitivity of 48% and a specificity of 95% to detect current or lifetime disorders when a cutoff of 2 or more was used (Rumpf et al., 1997). The SMAST’s ability to detect lifetime and current alcohol abuse and dependence is noteworthy. Therefore, the SMAST may be practical for use in a busy primary care practice, especially as an alternative to the CAGE questionnaire. Selected instruments, together with data from sample studies on detection of AMDs, are displayed in Tables 5.3 and 5.4.

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